Mental Health Needs of Oregon Youth Are We Listening?
Friday, February 16, 2024 Dye Room, Willamette Heritage Center 1313 Mill St. SE | Salem, OR 97301 Doors Open at 11:30 am Program: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
The safety and well-being of our youth has always been important to Oregonians but over the last decade, other concerns about affordable housing, quality education, and living wages have been competing for our attention and money.
Despite these challenges, the youngest generations in our communities have found that improving the mental health of Oregon youth is of prime concern for them and are now more empowered and engaged in putting that issue back in the headlines.
In the second of a series of programs on behavioral health, the Salem City Club will feature a panel of experts sympathetic to those concerns. Lisa Parks, Willamette Health Council; Kelli McKnight, CEO, Options Counseling; and Chris Moore, director, Mental Health and Social Emotional Learning, Salem/Keizer Public Schools will cover three themes: